Friday 3 May 2013

Well I'm happy to say that my '81 Westy made it Ft Flagler and back without any issues.

  • new 3 window canvas
  • new truckfridge TF49
  • just driving the darn thing!
The group 41 battery under the driver seat saw little use and the group 27 under the rear seat was not worked excessively but they both held up fine. Speaking of which......

IMO, the only real caveat to owning a Truckfridge is the eventuality of a solar panel(s) install. A deep cycle only has so many charge cycles, needs to be charged properly once in a while and IMO, maintenance charged when not in use. (vehicle sitting idle). But. The TF is super nice as would be any similar fridge so it's all worth it. In hindsight, I should have pulled and modified the cabinet for a TF65. There's enough room, more or less, but by the time I add all my beer, it gets kinda cramped.

When I start doing some serious hotter weather camping I'll have a solar setup. Til then, I'm pretty sure I'll get 3 days out of the battery before it needs a charge. Pony up a few more bucks for a utility camp site and I'm good to go.

Am leaving tomorrow for my Monday Spokane audition. Even if I don't win, it's been a worthwhile goal. My playing has improved, I get to do a 3 or 4 night camping trip, and I return to over 2 months work; it's all a win-win no matter what.

Ft. Flagler Wet Westie campout 

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