Edited slightly for clarity.
People "talk". (gossip) It's a natural tendency. As we know, when gossip gets shared from person to person, related details can change. Face to face communication may help correct these details. When gossip becomes text, it can be reduced to a $2 burger; short on ketchup and mustard, low on taste and substance, but full of sugar, salt and fat. Without facial expressions, body language and other details humans share face to face, this text usually loses the original intent, context and meaning. Text "tone" can be misinterpreted, assumptions easily made, the burger mills fed with inaccurate information.
Text based communication are convenient, accessible and highly prevalent. "Burgers" flipped off keyboards are consumed with gusto. Our mental palate possibly tasting only their face value.
Given the potential volume and world wide capabilities of "Fast Food Comms", they can have a highly negative effect on the person(s) involved.
Of course, I see the irony of posting this on a blog.
;^) <------ please note texticon. LOL.
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